Wednesday, August 21, 2013

La Ultima Etapa y a Casa Me Voy

Rumbo al Norte Hasta Al Fin

The end is near and in sight.  Because I'm on a very limited schedule, tight for time with my plane ticket. This will be a very brief post.  My next one will be much more thorough.  With what little time I have these days trying to maintain a schedule to catch my plane, and my adventure coming to a close, I need to make the most of my time and enjoy every moment.  Instead of spending hours working on this webpage.  Hope you don't mind, the next one will be worth the wait ;)

Not much to write about anyway, besides LOTS of really great people I've met recently, the riding from Mendoza was... real boring.  Could be the most boring riding I've done on the whole trip, maybe apart from the Yucatan peninsula.  Riding across the "pampa" from Mendoza to Buenos Aires, was flat, cold, and windy.  One day, folded into the next.  Was just a matter of putting my head down and getting through the kms.

Several different times, daily for a bit, I met lots of really nice and hospitable people.  I'll cover that in my next post.

Leaving Junin, the traffic became noticeably worse.  Without a shoulder, rush hour traffic, it was easily one of the most dangerous roads I've ridden.  I'm glad to have that behind me.  I spent a few days in Buenos Aires, enjoyed the sites, staying longer than I planned because the holiday weekend it was tough to find a boat across to Colonia.

Arriving in Uruguay, it was a short day, then a real long one, and here I am in Montevideo!   I've got my route dialed in, and have my last few remaining stops planned before reaching my destination, and ending this crazy adventure.

Kilometers ridden so far:  27, 016.6


Flat, farm land, windy, repeat

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Montevideo, Uruguay