Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beautiful Day

After taking a week off recovering due to illness, it was great to get back on the bike today.  Got in close to 40 miles today, but did something a little different.  Per my friend's recommendation, we went north (drove) to Christianitos road, in San Clemente, just north of Camp Pendleton and parked.  Got on our bikes and went north along El Camino Real for a few miles, where it met with the PCH and the ocean. It was amazing to bike right next to the water, then get into the hills of Orange County and nearly get taken off the road by the many passing cars intent on splattering us against the parked cars.

We kept riding north into Laguna, and that's when I realized that my Dad's girlfriend lives there, and suddenly I hear a noise.  I look down at my front wheel to see a big chunk of glass sticking out of hit, hissing air at me.  Fortunately, Vince and I were right in front of a burger joint and we walked over where I changed the flat in the shade.  Spoke to my Dad and figured out that they were only a couple blocks south of our location!  We met up with them and went to Sally's house where Vince and I slammed an ice cold beer, and I feasted on veggy tamales, rice, beans and fresh salsa.  What a break!?!  Afterward, the two of us rode south, catching a strong tailwind and sailed back to the car in no time.

What a great ride, it was spectacular to come over some of the hills and see the homes scattered along the hills and the ocean stretched out forever.  Towards the beginning of the ride, I was overcome with glee at how real the trip is becoming and how close it is from now.  I was picturing myself actually out there on the road with my bike and gear, and couldn't wipe the huge grin off my face.

 I was sick for nearly 6 days, from Thursday to Tuesday, with last weekend being the worst.  I didn't have any nausea but man did my body ache, and feel useless.  I attempted to go mountain biking with my roommate Alex on Saturday, only to struggle all day, knowing full well of every minute, that I should be back home in bed recovering, which is what I did Sunday.  It feels so good to be healthy again!

Going to go through gear tomorrow and find out exactly what I still need to get.  Most importantly, I'm going to order my front pannier bags and a front rack.  There's lots of other odds-and-ends to track down: helmet mirror (to see cars coming from behind), rain jacket, bike cover (going to make one out of thin plastic).  Gotta cut and fit a ground cover for the tent.  Need to finish working on my truck to get it in good working order for when I move, as well as go through a bunch of stuff to get rid of and sell.

Working everyday this week as I have been for the past few weeks trying to save up for the trip.  I definitely have to make up some lost training time, so I'm planning on riding 3 days after work, doing at least 20 miles, then another 40-50miler next weekend.  The knee wasn't feeling that bad today.  A little sore on some stretches, but not bad, guess it might have been good to be sick and force myself to take a week off...

I found out this week after more research, that I likely have "runner's knee".  It's a condition of overuse, and applies to many different activities.  It happens as certain muslces get worked more than others in the leg and imbalance occurs.  It sounds like my quadriceps need to be strengthened, and my hamstrings are too tight.  So I'm going to focus on a lot more stretching and more quad workouts when I go to the gym.

Using the fantastic site, "", I have lined up a spot to stay with Janelle, in Vancouver, BC  for one night my first weekend, and possibly in Victoria, BC.  Janelle is a massage therapist, fortunately, and has been very helpful in making recommendations to alleviate my knee pain.  I also spoke to my sister-in-law's Dad, and has graciously offered to pick me up and host me my first night.  I was checking out ferry routes and plan on taking the ferry from Vancouver to Vancouver island, then ride south to Victoria, and stay the night. Then ferry to Port Angeles, WA, and start riding.

Going to bed, for a full day of tasks to be completed.

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